Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What an Amazing Night

I'm sure there will be millions of blogs about the event that occurred tonight but I had to write. Since I am The Luckiest Man in the World I feel uniquely qualified to write about the election outcome and the spector of Barack Obama as President Elect.  He is the Number 2 when it comes to being lucky (because I am Number 1).  And Number 3 is the rest of our country and the world. Somehow I feel giddy and naive about this guy.  I believe him when he says he is going to be by-partisan, that he will fill positions with the best people not just the best democrat or the best African-American or the best persons from his campaign.  I know that many promises are made at this time, some for show and some truly believed to be true that never come to fruition.  So why do I choose to believe this man who's mantra is "Yes we can!"?  Because I choose to believe in what is good, what is right.  To be hopeful, not cynical.  To see how ideas can work, not how they will fail.  What is wrong with that?  I wake up each day and choose to be happy.  It may not turn out that way but I have a better shot at it than if I got up and chose not to be happy.  So I implore you to choose to be happy, to believe, to give this man a real chance to make your life and your children's lives a little better.  Help out.  Do your part. Who knows?  Maybe you will challenge me for Number 1.  Nahhh!  No chance but Number 3 ain't bad.  YES WE CAN!