Monday, July 20, 2009

The Best Golf Outing of the Year

I have been involved with The Children’s Heart Foundation for a dozen years and acted as the National Board President from 2004 to 2008. I am currently on the Illinois Chapter Board which looks to raise awareness in Illinois and raise money to fund the most promising, cutting-edge research of congenital heart defects which affects nearly 1 in every 100 children. That is 40,000 children per year. Half of them will have their first invasive surgery in their first year of life. 20% of those will not see their first birthday.

The great thing is that through research like the projects CHF has funded (37 research projects totaling more than $3,400,000) over the last 13 years, the mortality rate has dropped 30% and many of the surgeries are less invasive so recovery is quicker. These kids are never “cured” or “fixed”. They live with their defect or heart disease for the rest of their life. Many require up to three or more different medications each day. Most cannot ride a roller coaster, take PE class in school, or even ride a bicycle. Some have learning disabilities. One thing is for sure and that is that all these kids are remarkable and seem to have something special. Maybe all they go through to stay alive makes them that way.

One of our events will be September 21st. It is the The Children’s Heart Foundation’s 10th Annual Golf Outing at Conway Farms in Lake Forest. This is the best golf outing you’ll attend all year on the North Shore’s premier championship course. Personally I find it is also the best food you’ll ever have at golf outing as well. We have many golfers who have attended this outing year after year. Our sponsors “re-up” each year as well. The Presenting Sponsor is The Exchange Group. The Exchange is an auto dealer that offers Porche, Audi and Saab. Each year they bring out four beautiful cars for the par three holes as “Hole-in-One” prizes.

The day begins with the outstanding driving range facilities which includes a large putting area as well as chipping and trap practice areas. There is a fabulous buffet lunch that you won’t believe. Golf is beautiful and challenging. After golf there is an open bar, wine tasting and a great silent auction. For dinner we set up a beautiful tent were you are served wine and a fantastic meal including a fish and beef. There is a live auction, a “Wine Lotto” and presentations from the Executive Director, a doctor whose research we have funded, MacKenzie Kline our National Spokesperson and it is all set up by our special emcee, Dave Eanet of WGN.

In order to build the excitement and increase our funding potential (last year we netted over $100,000) I need your help. Play golf with us. Take your three (or just one or two) best clients out for a day they will always remember. Sponsor a meal, the golf balls or a hole. At the very least place an ad in our ad booklet. You can have as much as a two page spread to as small as a business card size. If you are not a golfer but know someone who would be interested in playing please pass this on to them and let me know and I will contact them. If you cannot sponsor or place an ad in our booklet consider sharing the space with a vendor/customer partner.

See the attachments for “Save-the-Date” and the sponsorship brochure. If you have any questions at all please contact me. You can sign up for golf and learn more about CHF on our site at .

Thanks for your consideration to participate.

Best regards,
