Sunday, December 6, 2009

Macy's, What Were You Thinking?

This blog will have to belong to the "what are they thinking" file. We're looking for some furniture. It's torture. Do we want this? Is this too much? Can we afford it? Will it go with the table? Ya-da, ya-da, ya-da (see Seinfeld for this reference). We decide to go downtown on a Saturday to look at the furniture department in Macy's. They would have a large choice and some at reasonable prices. Really, though, it is Christmas time and we just like being downtown with all the hub-bub and people shopping and the strange faces you see and the homeless and the rudeness and.....sorry. I do love it. Really!

So we go to Macy's and hit the shoe department first. What do you think, I am with my wife and daughter. Nothing happening but the shoe department is ENORMOUS and plentiful. Well laid out for traffic flow, tons of area to try on and probably a million salespeople waiting to serve you. As it should be. Now we go to the top floor. The TOP FLOOR! Should be special. Hell, you can even get a great look at the "Great Christmas Tree" from there. We took the escalators up so we could see everything on the way up. It's better then the elevator where rude is the temper of the day. I especially enjoy being socked in a 5ft x 3ft elevator car with a lady who just went out for a smoke. Intoxicating! Anyhoo. We get to the top floor, actually the top two floors, which is totally dedicated to furniture and rugs. This place was a tomb. We saw only one salesperson the whole time we were there. Very few people were looking. The walls, ceilings and floors were old worn out stained and just plain yuk! The furniture fit beautifully though as it was just as old and ugly as it's surroundings. There was a clearance of course but I can't imagine they can sell anything that way. "What were they thinking?" There was a sign at one point that said something to the order of "Sorry while we remodel" or something like that. Sorry! They put sorry on the map with the sorry display of furniture they had. Personally I would have closed off those two floors until it was in shape to be a showcase of my products. I am surprised and stunned that a marketing giant like Macy's would be so lax and foolish. My warehouse with machinery and wire and cable looks more presentable.

Macy' should be ashamed.