Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Big Aussie Holiday!

It's been a while but this is worth bloggin' about......

The travel to Sydney wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. Everything went as scheduled and we landed in Sydney a little earlier than planned. It took a while to get to the hotel however as traffic was a little tough. The hotel, which ended up being decent, was not on the harbor I wanted but on Darling Harbor. I would have preferred Circle Quay which is where the Opera House is as well as the famous Harbor Bridge and The Rocks which is an area that has lot's of shops, restaurants and music. Back to our hotel, Star City, which is attached to the only casino in town. Not a positive on this trip. The service was way less than desirable. We arrived at 11am and of course normal check-in is 3pm. We got in at 2:30. We went to the harbor to grab some lunch walked around and got back to the hotel around 1:30. I wanted to get internet access but even in their lobby you have to pay, which seems to be normal here whereas in the states usually the lobby is free. I said I would pay for it but they weren't sure whether I could put the charge to my "future" room or would have to pay cash. Every little thing was so difficult for them and I just said forget it. Enough of complaining. The place is beautiful and we had an awesome time in Sydney. From the little cafe on the corner where we ate breakfast to the beautiful harbors (especially Circle Quay where the Opera House is) to the great people and animals we met. Here are some pictures and later.....Melbourne and the Australian Open.......